










The Municipal & Tribal Energy Challenge

The Municipal & Tribal Energy Challenge

The Municipal & Tribal Energy Challenge

Extreme events such as large hurricanes, flooding, fires, and more are putting pressure on municipalities energy infrastructure like never before. Municipalities and Tribes need highly resilient off-grid (electricity and fuel) solutions to protect the life and safety of their communities and employees.

Extreme events such as large hurricanes, flooding, fires, and more are putting pressure on municipalities and tribes energy infrastructure like never before. Municipalities and Tribes need highly resilient off-grid (electricity and fuel) solutions to protect the life and safety of their communities and employees.

The Solution:
Municipal Microgrids

The Solution:
Municipal Microgrids

The Solution:
Municipal Microgrids

Municipalities and Tribes must transition to distributed energy to provide resilience and reduce emissions for their communities especially those in remote locations. Denrgy works with all stakeholders, from elected officials to community members, to help facilitate this transition, bringing expertise and creative solutions.

Municipalities and Tribes must transition to distributed energy to provide resilience and reduce emissions for their communities especially those in remote locations. Denrgy works with all stakeholders, from elected officials to community members, to help facilitate this transition, bringing expertise and creative solutions.

Microgrid Benefits

Microgrid Benefits


Our microgrids ensure continuous, reliable energy supply even during extreme weather events or power outages.

Manage Energy Cost

With Denrgy's advanced energy management systems and renewable energy generation and storage, your municipality can optimize energy use and reduce waste.

Emissions Reduction

Microgrids, combining renewables and energy storage, drastically cut emissions by reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

Economic Development

Microgrids stimulate economic development in municipalities by driving local investment, creating jobs, and fostering innovation in the renewable energy sector.

Heat Mitigation

Our solar-powered Chillshelters contribute to urban heat island effect mitigation by providing shaded areas for the community.

Federal Government Incentives

Denrgy's expertise enables maximization of available federal incentives, grants, and other benefits related to renewable energy and resiliency.

Critical Infrastructure

Critical Infrastructure

Critical Infrastructure

From Emergency Shelters to Schools and Firehouses, keeping critical infrastructure operational is critical for public safety and function. Our microgrids are designed to serve all or specific energy purposes for a specific property, facility, or district, ensuring local energy security, enhancing sustainability through renewable sources, and potentially lowering energy costs while stimulating local economic development.

From Emergency Shelters to Schools and Firehouses, keeping critical infrastructure operational is critical for public safety and function. Our microgrids are designed to serve all or specific energy purposes for a specific property, facility, or district, ensuring local energy security, enhancing sustainability through renewable sources, and potentially lowering energy costs while stimulating local economic development.




By implementing microgrids, Municipalities and Tribes can stimulate job creation by designing, constructing, and maintaining these decentralized energy systems. Microgrids can also promote the growth of local industries, such as renewable energy technologies, energy storage, and system management, thereby creating a range of technical, managerial, and operational roles.

By implementing microgrids, Municipalities and Tribes can stimulate job creation by designing, constructing, and maintaining these decentralized energy systems. Microgrids can also promote the growth of local industries, such as renewable energy technologies, energy storage, and system management, thereby creating a range of technical, managerial, and operational roles.

Community Energy Security

Community Energy Security

Dependable, eco-friendly energy for all communities is assured by Denrgy Microgrids, offering local governments enhanced power reliability and uniformity in their assistance to residents. Our microgrids are designed to remain operational, supplying vital functions during grid disruptions, augmenting the effectiveness and capacities of other practical defensive measures against extreme weather and tidal events, and producing zero emissions, consequently lowering emissions from other sources.

Dependable, eco-friendly energy for all communities is assured by Denrgy Microgrids, offering local governments enhanced power reliability and uniformity in their assistance to residents. Our microgrids are designed to remain operational, supplying vital functions during grid disruptions, augmenting the effectiveness and capacities of other practical defensive measures against extreme weather and tidal events, and producing zero emissions, consequently lowering emissions from other sources.




Chillshelter is a practical solution for urban heat, offering prefabricated shelters powered by solar energy. These shelters provide a space for community members to escape the heat, while also contributing to sustainable energy practices. In the event of power outages during heatwaves, Chillshelters can continue to provide a cool space, phone charging, and other services due to their solar-powered design with battery storage, contributing to the community's resilience and emergency preparedness.

Chillshelter is a practical solution for urban heat, offering prefabricated shelters powered by solar energy. These shelters provide a space for community members to escape the heat, while also contributing to sustainable energy practices. In the event of power outages during heatwaves, Chillshelters can continue to provide a cool space, phone charging, and other services due to their solar-powered design with battery storage, contributing to the community's resilience and emergency preparedness.

Grants and Incentives

Grants and Incentives

Grants and Incentives

Denrgy is an expert on securing Federal and State Incentives to help finance distributed energy projects. Our expertise enables the maximization of available federal incentives, grants, and other benefits related to renewable energy and resiliency.

Denrgy is an expert on securing Federal and State Incentives to help finance distributed energy projects. Our expertise enables the maximization of available federal incentives, grants, and other benefits related to renewable energy and resiliency.

Clean Energy for Everyone

Clean Energy for Everyone

Clean Energy for Everyone

Denrgy Microgrids align with the Justice40 initiative, which prioritizes clean energy investments for disadvantaged communities. Our microgrids reduce energy burden, increase clean energy access, and improve energy resiliency, directly supporting these communities and promoting energy democracy.

Denrgy Microgrids align with the Justice40 initiative, which prioritizes clean energy investments for disadvantaged communities. Our microgrids reduce energy burden, increase clean energy access, and improve energy resiliency, directly supporting these communities and promoting energy democracy.



How does a Microgrid benifit my community

A microgrid bolsters community resilience by ensuring local energy security, enhancing sustainability through renewable sources, and potentially lowering energy costs while stimulating local economic development.

How can our community finance a microgrid?

Your community can finance a microgrid through a combination of local municipal bonds, public-private partnerships, state and federal grants, or through the use of long-term institutional capital.

How can Denrgy help?

Denrgy can assist your community in implementing a microgrid by providing expert consultation, system design, project management, and financing solutions, thus facilitating the seamless transition to resilient and sustainable localized energy systems.


Denrgy: Your Partner in Municipal Resilience

Denrgy: Your Partner in Municipal Resilience

Ready to revolutionize your municipality's energy landscape? Contact Denrgy today and let's build a sustainable future together.

